Has The Pandemic Forever Changed The Way We Work?
23rd March 2020, the day life as we knew it changed forever. In an address to the nation, the Prime Minister announced the first nationwide lockdown to curb the widening outbreak of Covid-19, and working habits were about to change for the long haul.
Before this point, around 12% of working adults reported working from home. During the first half of 2020, that figure skyrocketed to 49%. Even in the latest survey period (25 January to 5 February 2023), around 44% of working adults still reported home or hybrid working.1.
With less structured workplace arrangements, comes fewer structured working hours, with many workers making the most of the flexibility that home working provides by taking a longer lunch break to visit the gym for example, catching up on any missed work or emails later on in the evening.
There’s also the added benefit that most things can be done remotely these days. Take banking and the weekly food shop for example. In years gone by, we would have had to head to our nearest bank branch to pay in a cheque, it can now largely be done by taking a picture of the cheque via an app. Instead of heading to the local supermarket, we’re increasingly completing our food shop online and having it delivered to our front door.
The way we access information and complete our online tasks is changing too. Recent data shows that web page views from mobile phones accounted for 47% percent of web traffic in the United Kingdom. Laptop and desktop computers had approximately the same traffic share, with tablet devices covering the remaining percentage.2.
At Acuity Law, we’re acutely aware of the quickly changing trends in technology and behaviour, and are committed to staying ahead of developments, all to the benefit of our clients.
While developing the newly launched Acuity Client Portal, we wanted to ensure that the features and accessibility of the portal were fully aligned with the changing landscape post-Covid.
We’re no longer a 9-5 society, chained to our desks. We work with clients all over the world, some of which might find it more useful to check their matters or pay their invoices at 2 am while on an overnight flight, directly from their mobile device. That’s exactly what our portal enables. It can be accessed at any time, from any place, on any device.
Other Acuity Client Portal benefits include:
- An enhanced e-billing function that enables clients to make invoice payments seamlessly
- One-click access to live files, giving up to the minute details on matters
- A Knowledge Bank of know-how and legal templates, providing access to useful templates curated for their specific business needs
- Access to up-to-the-minute legal articles and the latest industry-leading events.
Start your portal journey today!