Social Care

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Meet The Team

The social care sector can be difficult to navigate. Legal and regulatory obligations can make providers feel that their work is less about care and more about documenting compliance – but there must be a balance.

Many providers feel pressure from their regulator or commissioners that can hamper the running of their businesses. Many are unaware that undue pressure, disproportionate judgement, or unprofessional conduct can be robustly challenged.

That’s where Acuity Law comes in. All providers want is a fair and transparent playing field – and our Health and Social Care Regulatory team makes sure their voices ares heard. Regulatory outcomes have lasting consequences and it is vital that they are a true and reasonable reflection of a service.

We empower providers to stand up to these stakeholders when something just doesn’t feel right.

In more challenging circumstances, where enforcement or criminal action can emerge, we provide strategic advice to manage the process as efficiently and effectively as possible.


    • Acting for Choice Care Group – a leading UK provider of residential care and supported living services for people with learning disabilities, autism, and mental health conditions – over a period of 18+ years in connection with the acquisition and development of a series of properties, and corporate acquisitions, supporting the group’s organic and acquisitive growth strategies, and supporting them through multiple refinancings, the most recent involving a portfolio of 60+ properties.
    • Acting for Hartford Care Group – a leading UK provider of residential, dementia, and nursing care – in connection with a refinancing of the group and its portfolio of care homes and on its subsequent acquisition of a 32-bed nursing home in Hampshire.
    • Robustly challenging inspection and regulatory outcomes that are unreasonable, inaccurate and unfair, resulting in significant upgrades to inspection report ratings and content, removal of regulatory breaches and swift cessation of potentially harmful regulatory action.
    • Acting for a social care provider that was subject to a complex local authority safeguarding investigation, advising the provider on the best way to participate in the investigation and assisting with the submission of all requested evidence in reference to the allegations made. The local authority failed to respond to the client’s submissions within a reasonable time and failed to conduct a timely investigation, despite imposing an embargo on admissions until the matter had been concluded and seriously impacting the client’s business. Jenny attending safeguarding meetings and held the local authority accountable for the delay. The matter was swiftly concluded as “unsubstantiated”, the embargo lifted, and a formal apology issued by the council.
    • Representing multiple providers of health and social care services at the First Tier Tribunal (Care Standards) in their appeals against regulatory enforcement action, including cancellation of registrations, imposition of urgent conditions on a registration, and urgent closure at the Magistrate’s Court. We have an extremely successful record of success in avoiding closure and adverse impact on registrations.
    • Advising clients on serious criminal prosecutions by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) arising from significant incidents at a service, such as physical or sexual assault, death or a serious accident resulting in injury.
    • Acting for multiple corporate providers during the sale or purchase of new services, including careful scrutiny of operational documents to identify issues which may cause concern for purchasers, enabling vendors to remedy the problem ahead of a sale or prepare an explanation to reassure potential purchasers.
    • Acting for purchasers of health and social care services to identify regulatory issues that may affect the value of the prospective purchase. This includes producing reports for the purchaser using samples of available operational documents for use during the course of negotiations.
    • Acting for BSN Social Care, the parent company for six of the UK’s leading Independent Foster Agencies, in the acquisition of AFA Fostering.
    • Acting for dentists and doctors in any professional disciplinary matters involving the General Dental Council and General Medical Council.


“I always appreciate the considered nature of Jenny’s advice. It certainly helps me make better business decisions.”

Aisha Wardell, Partner at Acuity Law

Aisha Wardell

Beverley Jones, Partner at Acuity Law

Beverley Jones

Claire Knowles, Employment Partner at Acuity Law

Claire Knowles

Damien Cann

Damien Cann


Declan Goodwin


Jenny Wilde


Jon Lawley

ray goodman

Ray Goodman

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