Litigation & Dispute Resolution

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Meet The Team

Disputes are an inevitable part of business life. Often public and always distracting, disputes can crop up from every front.

Whatever the nature of your business, mitigating risks and resolving challenges are integral to success.

Our dispute resolution experts are adept at pre-empting the contentious issues that could surface in commercial relationships, taking steps to minimise them. They also react quickly and effectively, earning us an enviable track record when disputes arise, and a name as an industry-leading litigation and dispute resolution firm.

We handle all types of commercial litigation for claimants and defendants, offering a solution-focused approach built around you and your needs. We analyse the commercial drivers and imperatives, then work with you to determine the right line of attack.

Sometimes an informal and subtle approach is needed, and alternative dispute resolution is an integral tool in our kit for managing conflicts through settlement negotiations and mediation. As a resilient, confident and dynamic team of litigators, we also know when it’s in your best interests to hit hard.

  • Contractual disputes
  • Director and shareholder disputes
  • Defamation and reputation management
  • Property and construction disputes
  • Professional negligence
  • Intellectual property disputes
  • Restructuring and insolvency
  • Acting for Helix Securities LLP (“Helix”) in a claim against FinTech payment platform, Revolut
  • Acting for Corinthian Brands, the Claimant in a manufacturing dispute, following a threat by the Defendant to terminate a manufacturing agreement without proper cause
  • Acting for the owners of APCymru Ltd, an established business providing education, training, learning and consultancy services as part of the education of young people, in their dispute with Learning Curve Group Limited, an international training and education specialist
  • Acting for Tingo Group, Inc in its UK action against a US short seller
  • Acting for Tingo International Holdings, Inc. in respect of a claim by Outlier Ventures LLP purporting the breach of a Deed of Adherence, the terms of which required Tingo to invest £7.5 million into Outlier
  • Acting for Eco2 Limited in defending an Insolvency Application brought against the company and two others
  • Advising Loches Capital Limited on an application for pre-action disclosure and other related applications against Goldman Sachs International
  • Advising a high-profile alcohol brand in bringing a passing off claim against a competitor, up to and including Court proceedings, which featured an application for an injunction in the High Court. The case resulted in settlement at the stage of disclosure
  • Acting for dental practice Braceurself Limited in its High Court claim for £4.7m for loss of profit and bid costs of £26,500, amid allegations brought by Braceurself of manifest errors and breaches of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 arising out of an unsuccessful bid. The High Court granted Braceurself permission to appeal, finding that the judge’s ruling that the manifest error was not sufficiently serious to entitle the Appellant to damages was a serious error of law
  • Acting for Quantum Actuarial LLP in its long-running dispute with Quantum Advisory Limited, including a recent favourable judgment from the Court of Appeal in January 2023 in which the Court found that the LLP’s obligations to carry out services on Quantum Advisory’s behalf did not include tendering
  • Defending Remedy Healthcare Solutions Limited (RHS) against a claim brought by the UK’s largest specialist provider of diagnostic and healthcare solutions against several Defendants including RHS. RHS denies allegations it conspired with other Defendants to misuse confidential information and developed their own competing product
  • Representing a firm of accountants in South Wales against a claim for damages and Springboard Injunction commenced by a leading UK-wide accountancy firm against four Respondents (including our client) and a further 16 individual Defendants, who were alleged to have breached their restrictive covenants and misused confidential information
  • Acting for a large South Wales-based housing association in its claim against a contractor regarding issues relating to a South Wales development
  • Acting for Quantum Actuarial LLP in relation to the LLP’s use of the “Quantum Advisory” trading name
  • Acting for HR Investor Group, a group of 26 individuals and companies, in a claim against 12 defendants, including two current and former solicitors. Claims include unlawfully establishing and operating unregulated collective investment schemes, misrepresentation, and deceit
  • Advising LUX Group Holdings Limited, a designer and manufacturer of luxury kitchens, in disputes concerning breach of contract, misrepresentation and claims under the Consumer Rights Act 2015. This firm has been successful with responding to claims made against LUX
  • Acting for Malben Limited pursuant to section 994 of the Companies Act 2006 for unfair prejudice in respect of its shareholding in a joint venture company
  • Represented Trustees of Elim Gospel Alliance in a claim against Lloyds Bank Plc
  • Advising Red and Yellow Limited and R&Y NL Limited on a claim arising from a joint venture agreement in relation to the development of quality extra care accommodation
  • Advising on a multimillion pound breach of contract claim involving allegations of fraud
  • Instructed by a private fund to pursue a significant claim against an investment bank
  • Successfully obtaining and enforcing a multiparty injunction and search order in a claim for breach of copyright
  • Representing a high-net-worth individual in a shareholder dispute of a business with a £200 million turnover
  • Advising a charity on the mis-selling of a multimillion-pound hedging product
  • Instructed by West Sussex County Council in relation to a public procurement challenge
  • Instructed by a national firm of actuaries in a six-figure claim for breach of contract


  • The Litigation Team is ranked Tier 1 in The Legal 500
  • The Litigation Team is ranked Band 2 by Chambers and Partners


“They have a great team, with people who are as enthusiastic and motivated as they are friendly.”

“They go the extra mile and remain calm under pressure.”

“Acuity makes it their business to understand yours.”

“The team takes a commercial and personal approach to all matters.”

“Acuity has a strong team made up of various senior and junior members of staff and they seem to distribute the work well amongst themselves to ensure they are providing value for money. I am very satisfied with levels of responsiveness.”

“Our claims were complex and against strong opposition. Acuity showed equal strength throughout the court proceedings and in the ongoing side negotiations.”

“All handled really well by all members of the team, ably led by Aisha Wardell.”

“The team is attentive and pleasant to deal with and has your best interests at heart.”

“In my 35+ years of business, Acuity Law litigation team have given the best service in terms of expertise, diversity of subject matter and legal experience and personal attention.”

“I really felt we had the right team doing the job for us and, with Aisha taking the lead we really felt we had the firepower to take on Herbert Smith toe to toe.”

“Acuity is a progressive firm with a laser focus on clients and a diverse, capable and engaging team culture. Refreshingly for a professional services firm, it has a friendly and approachable atmosphere whilst never compromising on quality.”

“Acuity’s lawyers are friendly, approachable and expert; a rare combination. They are expert without being arrogant and are responsive to their clients needs. This doesn’t mean they shy away from providing robust counsel, even if that means they have to challenge a client’s view.”

“The team has the utmost legal expertise with a commercial edge and always with the client’s interests at heart. Their personal touch and attention to detail have put them light years ahead of other litigation firms I have used over the years.”

“The very personal and friendly attention of the appointed team makes the entire legal process feel like you are talking to friends not lawyers.”

“Hugh Hitchcock is very much about strategy and client management. He is someone you want in your corner if you’re fighting a difficult case.”

“My long and arduous legal dispute had been ongoing for almost 4 years, and without the help and support of Acuity Law Swansea, I’m not sure I’d have got through it. The whole team was so supportive from Hugh Hitchcock to the solicitors and paralegals. We dealt with difficult times i.e covid just to name one. Even when someone left the firm there was continuity.

“Finally, towards the closure of this matter, I was fortunate to have Janice Powell and Emily John acting on my behalf when we went to mediation, it was a lengthy process but thanks to their ability and determination we came out on the other side.

“I am impressed with Acuity Law and all its employees and would highly recommend them and use them again.”

“Aisha Wardell has a calm and considered approach that puts both the client and opposition at ease. Brilliant in the detail and strategy to achieve favourable resolution.”

“Acuity Law has an excellent understanding of the commercial imperatives as well as the legal position. The firm demonstrates depth across multi-disciplines and is extremely responsive.”

“There was a forensic understanding of the relevant issues and facts by the team. As we went into battle with the opposition I felt we were at an advantage.”

Aisha Wardell, Partner at Acuity Law

Aisha Wardell


Claire Lyon

Consultant Partner
duncan freeman

Duncan Freeman

Consultant Partner
Hugh Hitchcock, Litigation Partner at Acuity Law

Hugh Hitchcock

Huw Roffe, Partner at Acuity Law

Huw Roffe

Janice Powell

Janice Powell


Jared Ursell

Jennifer Butcher, Senior Associate at Acuity Law

Jennifer Butcher

Jon Hill, Partner at Acuity Law

Jon Hill

Consultant Partner

Martin Cox

Legal Director
Mike Allenby-Smith, Partner at Acuity Law

Mike Allenby-Smith

Consultant Partner
Neil Morgan, Partner at Acuity Law

Neil Morgan

Consultant Partner

Philip Graham


Hannah Jones

Katie Hardie, Associate at Acuity Law

Katie Hardie

soshana day

Soshana Day

connor massey

Connor Massey

Marta Gawryszczak

Marta Gawryszczak


Courtney Wilbor


Rachel McCulloch


Daniela Dimitrov

Trainee Solicitor

Emily John

Trainee Solicitor

La’Shaunna Williamson

Trainee Solicitor

Debt Recovery Pricing

Undisputed Debt Claims

These costs apply where your claim is in relation to an outstanding debt which is not disputed and enforcement action is not needed. If the other party disputes the debt at any time or raises a counterclaim against you, further fee estimates will need to be provided.


Preparing a letter before action requesting payment within a specific timeframe (usually 14 or 21 days). In the absence of payment and/ or a response from the debtor, we will advise you of the next steps, which may include issuing a court claim or insolvency proceedings.

Our Fees

£500 – £1,000 + VAT

Court Claims

Preparing and issuing a claim in the County Court or High Court (if the debt is greater than £100,000) to recover the outstanding debt plus interest, late payment charges and, subject to the amount of the debt, costs. Where no Acknowledgment of Service or Defence is received, applying to the Court to enter judgment in default.


Our Fees

Value of Your Claim

Court Payable Fee

£500 – £1,200 +VAT

Less than £5,000

Maximum of £205

£500 – £1,200 +VAT

£5,001 – £25,000

Claims between £5,001 and £10,000 subject to a maximum court fee of £455.


Claims between £10,001 – £25,000 subject to a court fee of 5% of the value of the claim.

£1,500 – £2,000 + VAT

£25,001 – £200,000

5% of the value of the claim

£2,000 – £5000 + VAT

Greater than £200,000



If the debt is greater than £750 (for a company) or £5,000 (for an individual), you may be able to serve a statutory demand on the debtor. The debtor will have 21 days from the date of service of the statutory demand to make payment of the debt (or 18 days to set the statutory demand aside).

If payment is not made within the 21 days or the statutory demand not side aside, a winding-up petition or bankruptcy petition (for a company or individual respectively) can be presented at Court. We will prepare the petition and arrange for attendance at the hearing.

  Our Fees Court Fees
Statutory Demand £500 +VAT N/A
Bankruptcy or Winding Up Petition £750 – £3,500 +VAT


Please note, further fees are payable in respect of the Official receiver’s Deposit and administration fee. Also, additional disbursement for barrister fees may be payable.


Please note that VAT is payable on all our fees at the prevailing standard rate, which is currently 20%.

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